Passing custom IContentSerializerSettings to JOS Content Serializer

We use the JOS.ContentSerializer to provide JSON for React in a platform project at my current client (7 Episerver websites spread over 5 installations). For this we needed to provide the JOS.ContentSerializer with custom settings via the IContentSerializerSettings interface to use in our custom property handlers. However, we encountered some difficulties doing this and here is how we (temporarily) solved it. I will make the …

The danger of intersecting Episerver content

Some time ago we had a rather elusive bug on one of my client’s Episerver websites: occationally an item would disappear from a menu, even though no editor involvement had been noted for at least 6 months. My collegue Svante Seleborg found the rather interesting cause of the problem. Intersecting Episerver content We had a line of code intersecting two collections of pages, like this: …

Adding an index xml-file with GETA SEO Sitemaps for Episerver

Sometimes you need a sitemap index file for easing access to multiple sitemaps. Here is a way of creating one using a custom generator for GETA SEO Sitemaps, described in Multiple custom sitemap.xml generators with GETA SEO Sitemaps for Episerver. The UseGeneratorFor method will expect the index file to be named sitemap.xml, so be sure to create one of those in your Episerver admin mode …

Multiple custom sitemap.xml generators with GETA SEO Sitemaps for Episerver

At my current client’s, we’re building a common platform code base supporting 5 Episerver multisite installations. These all have different needs when it comes to xml sitemaps. Here is an easy way of adding custom sitemap generation and have the GETA SEO Sitemap functionality use it. Overriding the generator factory The first thing we need to do is come up with a way of recognizing …

EPiServer License information: A error occured while loading the license file.

Short note-to-self: if replacing contents of an Episerver license file using variables in Octopus Deploy, make sure the file uses the proper encoding, or you may find yourself facing the following error message: At a client of mine the Episerver license is written to the episerver.license-file using Octopus Deploy. Initially the file only contains the Octopus variable placeholder #{EpiserverLicense} which is then replaced for each …

Simple string encryption for the EPiServer Dynamic Data Store

This is part of the short dynamic data store article series I mentioned before. The layer mentioned may be found in Simple EPiServer Dynamic Data Store (DDS) layer and was mainly created to ease unit testing of DDS code. Since there may be a need to store sensitive information in the DDS I have extended this DdsService with encryption functionality (the actual encryption is not …

Rendering preview blocks with Advanced Reviews while using React for Episerver websites

We are trying out the Advanced CMS add-on Advanced Reviews for one of our Episerver websites at my current client. The thing is that we are also using JOS Content Serializer for turning our Episerver content items into serializable objects in order to feed our React frontend (described in previous articles). This caused issues for external reviewers while trying to preview ContentArea blocks in view …

Ajax support for the pluggable EPiServer Find UnifiedSearch implementation

This article is based on work described in A way of consolidating EPiServer Find Unified Search over multiple websites as well as Example: Pluggable EPiServer Find UnifiedSearch for selected types. If you want to use ajax to retrieve more search hits, apply hit filtering or the like, you would need to pay some extra consideration to the API. Since the ajax call from the frontend …

Example: Pluggable EPiServer Find UnifiedSearch for selected types

In this example on how the pluggable EPiServer Find UnifiedSearch may be implemented we will look at simple type filtering. Previously we did this using TypeSearch, but since we moved to UnifiedSearch in my current project, it had to be reimplemented. For more information, please see the previous article A way of consolidating EPiServer Find Unified Search over multiple websites. You may also be interested …

A way of consolidating EPiServer Find Unified Search over multiple websites

At my current client’s we are building a common platform containing shared code between several EPiServer multisite installations. Due to reasons the way we implemented searches with EPiServer Find had diverged to a point where it was necessary to take a step back and refactor it. This is what we came up with. For an implementation of the specific search class, please see article Example: …

EPiServer Find UnifiedSearch conventions causing ReflectionTypeLoadException to be thrown

At my current client’s we are building a large platform serving several EPiServer multisite installations with common code. Consolidating how we work with EPiServer Find, we ran into a bit of trouble. My collegue Svante Seleborg did all of the heavy lifting on this one (I’m just taking the credit). While attempting to add simple UnifiedSearchRegistry conventions, as the kind shown in below code snippet, …

Fault tolerant file blob provider for EPiServer websites

We have been using EPiServer’s blob storage for saving large chunks of JSON data to disk (please see Storing your own data in EPiServer’s blob store). As these JSON blobs takes a relatively long time to write, chances are the writing is interrupted causing broken JSON blobs. This is especially prone to happen in develop environments where a process may be interrupted suddenly. If you …

EPiServer simple address with injected URL slug in multi language website

So you have successfully injected a custom slug at the start of the URL, and gotten it to work in an EPiServer installation with multiple languages. However, now the simple address feature is broken. It only returns 404 Not Found errors. In this article we will continue the example with the injected region slug from the previous posts. I worked on simple address support together …

Injecting slugs in EPiServer URL for multi language websites

My current client has a need to inject region information at the start of the URL’s path in one of their EPiServer websites. For the Stockholm region, this may look like /Stockholm/path/to/page. However, the website is also in multiple languages causing EPiServer to inject it’s own slugs for language management: /so-SO/Stockholm/path/to/page (Somali). My collegue Svante Seleborg has been deeply involved in developing this functionality. Edit: …

Virtual pages in EPiServer using partial routing

As mentioned in a previous article about storing data in EPiServer’s blob storage, we had the need to create around 18k worth of virtual pages. Using the ID-slug mappings talked about in the article, we implemented a partial router. The virtual pages are retrieved from a third party system, and their titles occasionally changes. When this happens, a new URL is created to match the …

Useful safety check for the property and content type subset functionality

In the articles Different subsets of properties in different EPiServer multi sites using same content type model and Different subsets of content types in different EPiServer multi sites with all types in one assembly you can read about adding subsets of properties and content types to different EPiServer installations that run on the same code. Here is a quick safety check that will save debugging …

Different subsets of content types in different EPiServer multi sites with all types in one assembly

As I explained in my previous article Different subsets of properties in different EPiServer multi sites using same content type model my current client is building a common platform for 7 websites spread over 3 EPiServer installations. As the platform grew the need for restructuring grew as well. It was no longer viable to keep all content types in separate assemblies in order to add …