configuration Archive

Blank page in Umbraco site after installing Vega IT’s uSiteBuilder

I ran into some trouble after installing Vega IT‘s uSitebuilder NuGet package on my newly created Umbraco website. The whole site suddenly went blank, and all I could get from the network traffic was a 500-error without body. Nothing was being written to the logs either. I’ve seen blank pages before, and sometimes they’re caused by broken configuration files, so after examining my web.config file …

Problems with ImageVault’s Shadow Copy Cache after upgrade to ImageVault 4.8

We started to experience a problem with a clients ImageVault installation after doing an upgrade to version of the product. Large images being stored on a network share started to cause the MediaStreamService to throw Internal Server Errors while being fetched by the website. The ImageVault Core itself is not load balanced, but the EPiServer installation is however distributed over a couple of front …

Changing NLog minLevel LogLevel at runtime in EPiServer

We moved from log4net to NLog in my current client’s EPiServer 8.5 website last year (see Using NLog with EPiServer and log4net for more information). Some time ago we received a request about being able to alter the log level at runtime, without editing configuration files on the servers. Reasonable enough; we already had read access to the generated logs, but no way of temporarily …

PowerShell script example for copying correct configs based on server machine name in multi server environment

As a complement to the previous article on Extending EPiServer MSBuild config transforms to provide server specific configuration for TCP EventReplication and Licenses I wrote a small Windows PowerShell script example on how you may copy the proper configuration files to the proper server automatically during deploy. This script is available at GitHub. Copying files with PowerShell based on environment computer name and regex The …

Extending EPiServer MSBuild config transforms to provide server specific configuration for TCP EventReplication and Licenses

I encountered an issue this week setting up the production environment for my current client, as it turned out that we would not be able to use EPiServer‘s UDP multicasting between our servers. Hence, we would have to configure the use of TCP for the EventReplication service; meaning different configuration files for each server. As we always strive to make our deploys as painless as …

ImageVault 4 MediaStreamService URL exposed on EPiServer 7.5 website

I ran into a small ImageVault 4 configuration error setting up a new testing environment for a client’s EPiServer 7.5 website the other day; all of our ImageVault pubished media URLs had stopped working. Or, actually they worked just fine as long as you tried accessing them from the server. In all of our old environments the image URLs rendered correctly as below: While on …

Rewrite URL before ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig throws ‘A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).’ exception

A client are on their way to migrate a large website from an old platform to a brand new EPiServer 7.5 site running on an IIS webserver. We created a small redirection engine to handle all incoming legacy URLs redirecting them to the proper pages on the new website, so as not to lose search engine ranking, visitor bookmarks and so on. However, the legacy …

ELMAH dll or custom assembly with modules breaking ImageVault UI in EPiServer 7.5 website

Some time ago I ran into some problems getting Meriwork‘s ImageVault to function on an EPiServer 7.5 website together with the ELMAH logging tool. Today I experienced the same thing, but this time with my project’s own custom Core assembly; I thought that it might be useful to write a short note about it. The problem appears when either surfing to the ImageVault UI (for …

Security fix for the Language File Editor tool in EPiServer CMS 6 R2

In 2011 I wrote a tool allowing web administrators to edit EPiServer’s language XML files through admin mode. As the code was constructed it assumed that the environment was properly set up (i.e. securing the plugins preventing unauthorized access), thus trusting the user. Anyhow, failing to do so opened up for unauthorized users to read/modify/delete certain files on the server/shares. Here is a summary of …

Configuration file changes upgrading from EPiServer 7.0 to 7.5

All is set. You got the final go from your client to move their site from EPiServer 7.0 to 7.5, and from here on it should be a walk in the park. Coffee is brewed, installation packages and VPP migration tools downloaded, extracted and at the ready. The EPiServer’s Deployment Center upgrade process finishes without a hitch, and you run off to Visual Studio hitting …

Solution for DirectoryNotFoundException moving EPiServer 7 site – Could not find a part of the path {wwwroot}\ClientResources\ClientResources\packages.config

I encountered an annoying DiretoryNotFoundException while moving one of my existing EPiServer 7 hobby sites to a new server, and thought that a quick note about it would be in order. The exception was this; Could not find a part of the path ‘D:\Projekt\MyProject\src\MyProject.Web\ClientResources\ClientResources\packages.config’. After some well spent time reading the configuration files I found the cause being, as surprisingly often with this kind of …

Duplicate IIS 7.5 request filtering rules causes useless standard IIS 500 error page

We’ve been having loads of meaningless search engine indexing traffic caused by various web crawlers from around the world, resulting in unnecessary load on the production servers in my current project; meaningless in the sense that the site is mainly in swedish and hence rather uninteresting for people living in for instance Russia, Ukraine or Kazakhstan, where these engines are popular. A simple way to …

How to make EPiServer surveil your config files notifying you on change

I have been a little bit dry on coding inspiration lately, until the other day when my collegue Karl Ahlin gave me an interesting idea concerning monitoring of configuration files. While I enjoyed coding it, I will leave it unsaid if and where it could actually create value. There may still be a few what ifs with the approach, and some of it may be …