Scheduled job Archive
A sitemap.xml file is a useful tool for helping search engines to find relevant pages on your website. This sitemap generator engine for EPiServer is based on loose strategies supporting globalized multilingual content; in other words, and will return swedish and norwegian URLs respectively. The strategy based pattern allows for easy custom additions of any kind to the xml file; for instance, apart …
The other day I got a question from a collegue of mine whether or not the piece I wrote on supplying scheduled jobs with input parameters (EPiServer CMS6R2) would still work for version 7.5. I suspected it would, but since I wanted to make sure I set up two of EPiServer’s Alloy template sites; one using WebForms and the other with MVC. Tweaked source code …
There are times when I’ve found that well considered and thought-through EPiServer scheduled job settings have been changed in environments where they really shouldn’t be. People usually have some reason for doing what they’re doing but it’s hard to follow if you’re unable to figure out why, and if nobody can remember doing it. I’ve had this audit log functionality on my TODO list for …
I have always missed a way of supplying arbitrary input parameters to EPiServer scheduled jobs through the Admin Mode scheduled job interface. As Stefan Forsberg laughingly pointed out to me when I told him about my POC for this functionality (something in the lines of “Oh, I see you have found yourself a hammer.”), I seem to have found a way of using control adapters …
Some time ago I wrote a post about retrieving and updating the MaxMind GeoIP database using Windows PowerShell scripts, and suggested the possibility to have the Windows Task Scheduler automating the process. Mostly for my own amusement, I decided to have a go at making the EPiServer scheduler do the work as well; perhaps there would also be scenarios when web administrators would need to …