EPiServer CMS 5 Archive

Moving the ImageMap editor custom property to EPiServer 5

I was recently asked by a collegue of mine to see if I could help him move the custom EPiServer image map property to his current EPiServer 5 project (originally built for EPiServer CMS 6, see EPiServer custom property: Allowing web editors to create image maps with flexible hot spot areas). There were a few issues with the JavaScript not working as intended, as well …

Must select Show data for all pages checkbox in Edit mode to find submitted EPiServer XForms Form Data

I noticed a problem with a customer’s XForm earlier; no matter how many times I posted data, I was not able to find it through the Edit mode Form Data-tab. It was not until I marked the checkbox Show data for all pages that I got any hits. The XForm data exist in a table called tblXFormData in the EPiServer database. Checking the content of …