Monthly Archive: March 2015
I wrote a small console application to ease the migration of the old EPiServer language files generating language tool initialization classes. These classes are used by the database based language tool from a previous article. Source code at GitHub (Binary). See readme.txt file for instructions.
I ran into a small ImageVault 4 configuration error setting up a new testing environment for a client’s EPiServer 7.5 website the other day; all of our ImageVault pubished media URLs had stopped working. Or, actually they worked just fine as long as you tried accessing them from the server. In all of our old environments the image URLs rendered correctly as below: While on …
A few years back I wrote a small tool allowing web administrators to update EPiServer CMS 6 R2 language files by themselves without the help of their website developers. There were of course a few downsides to this, such as updated deployment procedures as not to lose any new translations. I took a few hours and made a new one for EPiServer 7.5 that works …
I updated the previous sitemap.xml generator functionality with new support for sitemapindex with batching and bundling of different types of sitemap URLs. My current client has the need to manually add sitemap.xml entries as a supplement to the generated ones through an administrator interface; hence the bundling functionality. Source code at GitHub.