ImageVault Archive

Problems with ImageVault’s Shadow Copy Cache after upgrade to ImageVault 4.8

We started to experience a problem with a clients ImageVault installation after doing an upgrade to version of the product. Large images being stored on a network share started to cause the MediaStreamService to throw Internal Server Errors while being fetched by the website. The ImageVault Core itself is not load balanced, but the EPiServer installation is however distributed over a couple of front …

ImageVault Core service not working due to mismatch with database schema and code versions

Just as a note to self. We recently did a POC on upgrading to the latest EPiServer (8.5 to 9.5) and ImageVault (4.X to 4.8) versions for my current client’s website. Everything went as expected, there were a few things that wouldn’t build in Visual Studio which were easily fixed. After switching back to do work in another Git branch I returned to the POC …

Possible causes of 401 Unauthorized ImageVaultException: Unable to request access token @ https://localhost:9901/oauth/token

The last couple of weeks I’ve been fiddling alot with various ImageVault instances and certificates in different environments and found that a common source of annoyance is the ImageVaultException stating that it’s Unable to request access token @ https://localhost:9901/oauth/token. It’s not always straight forward what might be causing this problem. I’ve summarized a couple of possible culprits in this article. The ImageVault sdkIdentity secret The …

Reminders when changing user on ImageVault Core Windows Service

We needed to change the service account user running the ImageVault Core service in my current client’s production environment the other day. Here are a few reminders on what this actually means; that’ll likely also be useful setting up new environments. Changing user on ImageVault Host Service (MyInstance) ImageVault Core’s service needs access to your image files Why does half of my ImageVault images work, …

ImageVault publishing sources and host names in a multisite EPiServer environment

We recently added a second website to a client’s EPiServer installation, and wanted to use the existing ImageVault installation here as well. We hit a few snags, but nothing really difficult to handle. ImageVault licenses and publishing sources While EPiServer counts the number of sites in an EPiServer installation for their licenses, ImageVault does a similar thing; they keep track of how many different publishing …

ImageVault Core unable to retrieve large files during load test

We did a series of load tests this morning on the client’s new public EPiServer website and found an issue with large files being supplied by ImageVault; that is, files large enough as not to be stored in the database but rather on the disk. Already at 5 concurrent requests to the same ImageVault resource, ImageVault Core starts producing IO Exceptions. Note that for single …

Encrypting connectionStrings for ImageVault Core

Encrypting sensitive information in configuration files seems rather obvious when working with web development. In my current project I got a chance to implement the use of ImageVault 4 in our EPiServer 8 website, and started looking into how I would go about encrypting the connectionStrings file. RSA encryption on ImageVault Core’s connectionStrings For a website’s connectionStrings you’d normally just have to run something like …

Extending EPiServer MSBuild config transforms to provide server specific configuration for TCP EventReplication and Licenses

I encountered an issue this week setting up the production environment for my current client, as it turned out that we would not be able to use EPiServer‘s UDP multicasting between our servers. Hence, we would have to configure the use of TCP for the EventReplication service; meaning different configuration files for each server. As we always strive to make our deploys as painless as …

ImageVault 4 MediaStreamService URL exposed on EPiServer 7.5 website

I ran into a small ImageVault 4 configuration error setting up a new testing environment for a client’s EPiServer 7.5 website the other day; all of our ImageVault pubished media URLs had stopped working. Or, actually they worked just fine as long as you tried accessing them from the server. In all of our old environments the image URLs rendered correctly as below: While on …

Automatically give visitors proper focus area on ImageVault 4 images on your EPiServer 7.5 websites

In my current project there is a client need to handle massive amounts of photographs and images in a simple manner. To keep all of them in one well organized place we decided to go with the latest ImageVault solution from Meriworks AB. To meet certain client specific needs we extended the existing functionality with a custom tool in EPiServer‘s edit mode. People involved in …

ELMAH dll or custom assembly with modules breaking ImageVault UI in EPiServer 7.5 website

Some time ago I ran into some problems getting Meriwork‘s ImageVault to function on an EPiServer 7.5 website together with the ELMAH logging tool. Today I experienced the same thing, but this time with my project’s own custom Core assembly; I thought that it might be useful to write a short note about it. The problem appears when either surfing to the ImageVault UI (for …