Simple EPiServer Dynamic Data Store (DDS) layer

This is part of a short article series that have been laying around as drafts for some time, so I figured it was time to actually do something with it.

Here is a simple wrapper used for making dynamic data store code a bit easier to unit test.

public interface IDdsService<T>
  Guid Save(T item);
  T Load(Guid id);
  T[] Find(string propertyName, object value);
  void Delete(Identity id);
  void DeleteAll();
  IOrderedQueryable<T> GetAll();
  T[] LoadAll();

The default implementation of the interface is also rather straight forward.

public class DdsService<T> : IDdsService<T> where T : BaseData
  private readonly string _storeName;

  private DynamicDataStore GetStore()
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_storeName))
      return DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance.GetStore(typeof(T)) ?? DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance.CreateStore(typeof(T));

    return DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance.GetStore(_storeName) ?? DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance.CreateStore(typeof(T));

  public DdsService()
    _storeName = null;

  public DdsService(string storeName)
    _storeName = storeName;

  public virtual Guid Save(T item)
    using (DynamicDataStore store = GetStore())
      return store.Save(item).ExternalId;

  public virtual T Load(Guid id)
    using (DynamicDataStore store = GetStore())
      return store.Load<T>(id);

  public virtual T[] Find(string propertyName, object value)
    using (DynamicDataStore store = GetStore())
      return store.Find<T>(propertyName, value).ToArray();

  public virtual void Delete(Identity id)
    using (DynamicDataStore store = GetStore())

  public virtual void DeleteAll()
    using (DynamicDataStore store = GetStore())

  public virtual IOrderedQueryable<T> GetAll()
    using (DynamicDataStore store = GetStore())
      return store.Items<T>();

  public virtual T[] LoadAll()
    using (DynamicDataStore store = GetStore())
      return store.LoadAll<T>().ToArray();