Monthly Archive: December 2013

Insert links to bookmarks in other EPiServer pages

EPiServer‘s insert link dialog has an option that allows web editors to insert links to anchor tag bookmarks contained within the page currently being edited. This option, however, is not yet available when using the Page on this website alternative as a Link target. A client requested similar functionality for their EPiServer CMS 6 R2 installation, so I and my collegue Joachim Widén spent a …

Please explain yourself: Reasons and audit logging in EPiServer scheduled jobs

There are times when I’ve found that well considered and thought-through EPiServer scheduled job settings have been changed in environments where they really shouldn’t be. People usually have some reason for doing what they’re doing but it’s hard to follow if you’re unable to figure out why, and if nobody can remember doing it. I’ve had this audit log functionality on my TODO list for …