Serialization Archive
We are trying out the Advanced CMS add-on Advanced Reviews for one of our Episerver websites at my current client. The thing is that we are also using JOS Content Serializer for turning our Episerver content items into serializable objects in order to feed our React frontend (described in previous articles). This caused issues for external reviewers while trying to preview ContentArea blocks in view …
If you read my previous article React and EPiServer: Aggregated output with EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi you saw a way of including your own aggregated data through properties in the content model classes. Since the JOS Content Serializer also has a very useful ignore attribute, ContentSerializerIgnoreAttribute, I’d love the EPiServer Content Delivery Api to have one as well. Removing superfluous properties from EPiServer ContentDeliveryApi output Since the EPiServer …
In a previous article I wrote about React and EPiServer – Custom rendering of EPiServer block in XhtmlString field without partial block controller, as we’re using the JOS Content Serializer to make JSON of our EPiServer content. This is in order to pass it to React. We were using the version 2.0.1, and it differs a bit on how things are done now (currently latest …
So just a follow up on the previous article React and EPiServer – Custom rendering of EPiServer block in XhtmlString field without partial block controller in regards to friendly URLs. We noticed that all our internal EPiServer links in the XHtml field properties remained on the internal form ~/link/{guid}.aspx, even in the view mode. The reason for this was really quite obvious since we had …
For my current client we’re building a component based platform as a common feature hub for serveral large EPiServer websites. For this, we have stripped away the default Razor based rendering that is normally used for the view and edit modes, and replaced it with React all the way through. Having React render blocks through ContentArea properties for the view and on-page-edit modes may not …