ContentDeliveryApi Archive

EPiServer Content Delivery Api only returns 404 NotFound

Lately I spent some time investigating 404 NotFound responses from an EPiServer Content Delivery Api installation. While the SiteDefinition Api URL worked just fine, the problem was that the API returned 404 NotFound for all contents requested. Here are some pointers to determine possible reasons. Thanks to Svante Seleborg for helping out with debugging. EDIT: Matthew Mols have written an useful article for Getting started …

React and EPiServer: Removing properties from output in EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi

If you read my previous article React and EPiServer: Aggregated output with EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi you saw a way of including your own aggregated data through properties in the content model classes. Since the JOS Content Serializer also has a very useful ignore attribute, ContentSerializerIgnoreAttribute, I’d love the EPiServer Content Delivery Api to have one as well. Removing superfluous properties from EPiServer ContentDeliveryApi output Since the EPiServer …

React and EPiServer: Aggregated output with EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi

If you read my previous article on React and EPiServer: Moving to EPiServer Headless (EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi) with friendly URLs – Quick POC, you’ll know I wanted to output EPiServer Content information by friendly URL to a page rather than using the headless API’s own paths. This I did, but what about aggreagated information? You know, the stuff that are using for instance content from other EPiServer …

React and EPiServer: Moving to EPiServer Headless (EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi) with friendly URLs – Quick POC

So EPiServer released a beta version of the ContentDeliveryApi. Nice. My current client uses the JOS Content Serializer for creating JSON data from EPiServer pages for view, preview and on-page-editing with React, as described in previous articles. However, sooner or later it will be neccessary to start using EPiServer’s own methods for this. I had a quick look at the API functionality, and it seems …