RabbitMQ connection tester application

We set up Optimizely‘s new on-prem event provider (EPiServer.Events.MassTransit) for my current client’s Optimizely 12 website the other week. At current date it is still in beta until there are enough uses for there to be a production release. For the mass transit we set up RabbitMQ.

For earlier Optimizely (Episerver) versions built on ASP.NET Framework there was a tool for testing the event replication between servers. I couldn’t find anything similar for helping us test the RabbitMQ set up, so I created a simple console application for this.

Source code and the executable are available at GitHub.

To use, update the appsettings.json file with desired values. You will at least have to change HostName, UserName and Password. The sender is started by typing:

RabbitMqTester.exe sender
RabbitMQTester sender in a command prompt.

To start the receiver type:

RabbitMqTester.exe receiver
RabbitMQTester receiver in a command prompt.

If all goes well you should be seeing your messages arriving as in the image above.