My current client is moving their Optimizely 11 websites to a new hosting provider and we need an easy way to test the remote event replication system. I remember that there was an old console application for this back in the day, but when I found a copy of it I realized that it required .net 2.0 to function.
I shamelessly disassembled the application and stole the code (I can’t find out who created it though, sorry) in order to upgrade it a bit. Here is a quick version made for .net framework 4.8 and the Optimizely 11 assemblies. I’m sure there are superfluous stuff in there though, such as assemblies from nugets and whatnot. Code at GitHub. Compiled release here.
The usage is the same for this app as it was for the previous one.
For receiving events:
For sending events:
RemoteEventsTester.exe send