Monthly Archive: April 2021
In our work to automate export and import of the production database into our test environment we had to maintain a test node in the Episerver page tree. This ment that we had to export it before replacing the database, and then import it again. Please see Exporting Episerver content programmatically through an ApiController and Importing Episerver content programmatically through an ApiController for information about …
Importing the test node package that we exported earlier (see article Exporting Episerver content programmatically through an ApiController) would be the next step in our automated transfer of the production database to the testing environment. I extended our ApiController with an import endpoint for this purpose. Note that this code is never intended to be deployed to production. Importing is easier than exporting. The relevant …
As part of the automated transfer of the production database to the testing environment for my current client we found the need to maintain a node in the Episerver page tree that is used for testing. I extended our ApiController with an export endpoint for this purpose. Note that this code is never intended to be deployed to production. So the interesting part happens in …
Attempting to match timestamps and whatnot to correlate requests over various logs may be quite tedious. Adding a correlation ID to your website makes this easier and may save you quite a bit of time. This is what we did at my current client for all of their Episerver websites. I Implemented this together with my collegue Svante Seleborg. Passing a correlation ID through your …