Monthly Archive: January 2018

EPiServer TinyMCE 3 Wrapping selection in unsupported aside tag

For my current client, we had a need to allow EPiServer editors to wrap XHtmlSting field content in aside tags in a user friendly manner. The first most obvious thought went to the styles drop down list and EPiServer’s editor.css file, however after a few tries and a bit of Ilspy‘ing I realized that the aside tag element is not supported by the current implementation. …

React and EPiServer – Getting friendly URLs in EPiServer’s XHtml fields using JOS.ContentSerializer for React support

So just a follow up on the previous article React and EPiServer – Custom rendering of EPiServer block in XhtmlString field without partial block controller in regards to friendly URLs. We noticed that all our internal EPiServer links in the XHtml field properties remained on the internal form ~/link/{guid}.aspx, even in the view mode. The reason for this was really quite obvious since we had …