Monthly Archive: April 2015
Encrypting sensitive information in configuration files seems rather obvious when working with web development. In my current project I got a chance to implement the use of ImageVault 4 in our EPiServer 8 website, and started looking into how I would go about encrypting the connectionStrings file. RSA encryption on ImageVault Core’s connectionStrings For a website’s connectionStrings you’d normally just have to run something like …
As a complement to the previous article on Extending EPiServer MSBuild config transforms to provide server specific configuration for TCP EventReplication and Licenses I wrote a small Windows PowerShell script example on how you may copy the proper configuration files to the proper server automatically during deploy. This script is available at GitHub. Copying files with PowerShell based on environment computer name and regex The …
I encountered an issue this week setting up the production environment for my current client, as it turned out that we would not be able to use EPiServer‘s UDP multicasting between our servers. Hence, we would have to configure the use of TCP for the EventReplication service; meaning different configuration files for each server. As we always strive to make our deploys as painless as …