Monthly Archive: February 2015

Sitemap.xml generator engine for Multi language EPiServer 7.5 websites

A sitemap.xml file is a useful tool for helping search engines to find relevant pages on your website. This sitemap generator engine for EPiServer is based on loose strategies supporting globalized multilingual content; in other words, and will return swedish and norwegian URLs respectively. The strategy based pattern allows for easy custom additions of any kind to the xml file; for instance, apart …

Automatically give visitors proper focus area on ImageVault 4 images on your EPiServer 7.5 websites

In my current project there is a client need to handle massive amounts of photographs and images in a simple manner. To keep all of them in one well organized place we decided to go with the latest ImageVault solution from Meriworks AB. To meet certain client specific needs we extended the existing functionality with a custom tool in EPiServer‘s edit mode. People involved in …

Custom property Checkbox wrapper as Dynamic Property in EPiServer 7.5

We needed to add a checkbox as a dynamic property in my current client’s EPiServer 7.5 site last week. It’s not as straight forward as one might think due to the way that dynamic properties are handled. If you add a dynamic checkbox property through admin mode, together with a property decorated with the attribute in your code, everything will work fine up until …

Rewrite URL before ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig throws ‘A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).’ exception

A client are on their way to migrate a large website from an old platform to a brand new EPiServer 7.5 site running on an IIS webserver. We created a small redirection engine to handle all incoming legacy URLs redirecting them to the proper pages on the new website, so as not to lose search engine ranking, visitor bookmarks and so on. However, the legacy …

ELMAH dll or custom assembly with modules breaking ImageVault UI in EPiServer 7.5 website

Some time ago I ran into some problems getting Meriwork‘s ImageVault to function on an EPiServer 7.5 website together with the ELMAH logging tool. Today I experienced the same thing, but this time with my project’s own custom Core assembly; I thought that it might be useful to write a short note about it. The problem appears when either surfing to the ImageVault UI (for …