Monthly Archive: September 2014

Notes about default property values in EPiServer 7.5

I needed to set default values for a couple of my EPiServer 7.5 block and page properties today, and found Per Mange Skuseth‘s article on Attribute-based default values. I really like Per’s way of dealing with them, as you get to have each default value in connection with the property that it will affect, rather than stoving them away in some obscure method override chunk …

EPiServer 7.5 throwing System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): editSaveContentVersionData: The WorkContentId dosen´t exist (WorkContentID=0)

A short note on another EPiServer exception that I encountered today while trying to save a newly created EPiServer page programmatically from codebehind. The reason for it is rather self explaining looking back at it. It’s not possible to force the current version as it does not exist yet, Doh.. So just finding myself content with only doing what is neccessary fixed the problem right …