Monthly Archive: August 2014
I needed to add a few extra tabs to our EPiServer 7.5 installation last week, and found Per Magne Skuseth‘s comment on Tabs and sort index to be really useful. Of course I managed to alter the piece of code beyond recognition while integrating it into my current project’s architecture. Here is a StructureMap twist on adding and changing tabs. Easy way of adding and …
I ran into a bit of trouble the other day trying to get my current project’s EPiServer installation to display proper translations from our custom language files for the PageType group names when creating new pages. Luckily EPiServer’s Kristoffer Sjöberg quickly helped me getting it sorted :) So, here are my notes on the matter. EPiServer language files This is what the EPiServer language file …
In my current EPiServer project we decided to use NLog for our logging needs rather than going with log4net. Since EPiServer has a dependency on the latter we wanted a way of bridging EPiServer’s log messages to our own NLog setup. This was accomplished by creating a new appender for log4net, redirecting all relevant log messages to it and converting them into something that NLog …